Des innovations qui comptent

pour l’Homme et la nature

Where African traditional Knowledge meets modern processing techniques...

Where African traditional Knowledge meets modern processing techniques...

THE A COMPANY Group (TAC) est un groupe d’entreprises spécialisées dans la création d’innovations et de produits basés sur le savoir-faire africain ou sur des matières premières d’origine africaine.

Agir de manière durable et intégrale – pour le bien-être commun et la nature

Nos solutions d'entreprise axées sur notre mission

Creation of Food and Ingredient Innovation via Upcycling process using African know-how combined with modern processing techniques or raw materials of African origin.


Creation of Regenerative Material Innovations via Upcycling process of Food Waste and of Side Streams from industrial Valorisation of raw materials of African origin.


Creation of Non-Food and Lifestyle Innovations via Upcycling process using African know-how combined with modern processing techniques or raw materials of African origin.


Creation and Distribution of high-quality Foods, Beverages and Snack Food based on African soft commodities using African know-how combined with modern processing techniques


Creation of Food and Ingredient Innovation via Upcycling process using African know-how combined with modern processing techniques or raw materials of African origin.


Creation of Regenerative Material Innovations via Upcycling process of Food Waste and of Side Streams from industrial Valorisation of raw materials of African origin.


Creation of Non-Food and Lifestyle Innovations via Upcycling process using African know-how combined with modern processing techniques or raw materials of African origin.


Creation and Distribution of high-quality Foods, Beverages and Snack Food based on African soft commodities using African know-how combined with modern processing techniques


... to inspire you to make choices that will create more value for you and for our planet.

... to inspire you to make choices that will create more value for you and for our planet.

Notre actualité

1 mai 2024
African plant-based and its roots in African heritage: Clearing prejudices
1 février 2024
The Importance of Performing Market Research
30 novembre 2023
European dominated african soft-commodities Industries
30 septembre 2023
Solving the paradox behind the scenes of the cocoa industry